Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Non-Techie SEO for Small Business

    2. Course Introduction

    3. Introduction to Your Trainer, Despina Karatzias

    1. Lesson 1: Getting Started with SEO

    2. Lesson 1.1 Test Your Knowledge

    3. Lesson 1.2 What Google Says Matters

    4. Lesson 1.3 Why Search Traffic is Different

    5. Lesson 1: Activity and Recap

    1. Lesson 2: SEO Tech for the Non-Techie

    2. Lesson 2.1: Technical SEO

    3. Lesson 2: Activity and Recap

    1. Lesson 3: Authority, Competition and the Power of Links

    2. Lesson 3.1: How Google Works 101

    3. Lesson 3: Activity and Recap

    4. The Non-Techie SEO for Small Business Course Summary

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content